DISCOVER below the 4 courses in your learning journey to become a TWIST certified Functional BRAIN+BODY Specialist. 

Study courses one at a time, at your own pace, or, load up all 4 to study like a college semester of 4 courses. Each course you complete earns certification designation for that specific course theme + complete all 4 courses to earn the prestigious Functional BRAIN+BODY Specialist accreditation.

FUNCTIONAL PHYSIQUE certification course


The first course in your learning journey to become a TWIST certified Functional BRAIN+BODY Specialist. Functional Physique is an advanced Training System you can market to attract new clients, giving them the body they want and the movement abilities they need.

Functional Physique will open you to understanding the body and how it moves in new exciting ways. We've reverse engineered from the why when & how the brain communicates with your muscles, fascia and joints to devise exercise methods that most matter to movement quality. 

Everything is connected! Learn how to train all 8 Functions of Muscle. Use 10 Load Management Strategies to make lifting kinder on joints while stimulating more muscle and brain growth. Deploy 12 Ways to Overload Muscle to keep training fresh. You'll practice the 30 Functional Patterns that we use for active living, work tasks, outdoor recreation and sport actions. Study how to design exercises with purpose, combining 2 or more of the 30 Functional Patterns in ways added muscle and strength transfers out of the gym into an improved human vehicle.

Training and nutrition are organized for sustainable results, earning the best body shape that can be sustained 365, pain free, moving well, and healthy. Program Design periodizes a 12 week cycle of training ensuring adaptations are layered up week after week.        Click Buy Now to register or Learn More to discover more course details

The ART of FASCIAL LINE TRAINING certification course


Become a TWIST Certified Fascial Line Training Specialist. The role of fascia which connects your body in long lines from feet to head, has in recent years gained increased research focus. The human body is the only machine in the world so complex, it is not fully understood by anyone! Fascia may be the most sophisticated tissue and highly valuable to pain free skilled strong movement in life, play and sport. 

NEW VIEW OF FITNESS & MOVEMENT, teaching you about the role of fascia and how we can train in a unique way that preferentially trains your fascial lines to improve. Training principles and guidelines that you will learn-by-doing make complex simple, learning about the art of stimulating fascia's abilities when exercising.

Without fascia, your bones and muscles would simply fall to the ground. We can move around up on our feet inside gravity because of our myofascial system, the web like tissue that connects everything. This includes strength and stability + most importantly, communication. Your fascia shares intel with all parts of the body about how it moves in space, at an astounding 700 mph!! Calculating data that informs muscle movement instructions at such high speed highlights how important this system is. Become expert at the art of adding fascia to muscle drills and watch your clients move their best ever + feel stronger up on their feet. Click Buy Now to register or Learn More to discover more course details. 



This course pairs perfectly with Functional Physique, matching the movement mechanics of multi directional conditioning drills with the functional patterns of Linked Strength. In traditional fitness and typical sport environments, movement training and lifting look very different. This is a gap that makes no sense. At TWIST we practice high-transfer functional patterns before (1) laying down muscle + building strength upon them, and (2) condition clients metabolically by moving them with the same biomechanics. This CONNECTS functional strength with movement abilities! Don't just sweat. Get better! Move better! And develop the full 360 degrees of movement skill. 

Whether you prepare athletes to compete at new higher levels or lead general clients through inspiring conditioning sessions that achieve their best shape ever, everyone progresses the QUALITY of their movement skill, injury durability, and movement confidence. 

Learn a powerful inventory of speed, quickness, agility, reactivity, deceleration and anaerobic conditioning drills all actioning quality movement skills.  This course also includes significant BONUS content on coaching strength and balance to help you understand how to integrate them with conditioning to reprogram a smarter brain blueprint for excellent movement quality. 

Click Buy Now to register or Learn More to discover more course details

MINDSET MASTERY certification course 


This 12 week course + weekly Learn-By-Doing program shares the mindfulness of a winning attitude and the methods and mind shifting techniques that bring helpful mental fitness like being more calm, clear headed, confident, courageous. You study to equip new skills for leading others by positive psychology, yet in addition are also guided on becoming a Leader of ONE, to focus on elevating you too!

This is your safe place to quietly delve into the mindset qualities proven to springboard people from any limiting beliefs, boosted into a positive can-do growth mindset. On one day each week you'll engage in brief study, observing lectures filmed in the rainforest, reading magazine quality illustrated chapters, learning new mindset methods before practicing those very strategies the other six days of the week. This brings your learning immediately to life and begins to embed them as the way you show up in your world. Elevate your positive leadership of yourself and others you communicate with along your path. Each week workbook exercises have you observe and reflect on how enhanced you think and feel, and, tangible results accrued. There is no more powerful way to significantly uplevel what you are capable of achieving than mastering your mindset. 

Click Buy Now to register or Learn More to discover more course details.