TWIST courses set you up for success, giving you the practical training techniques, art of coaching methods, leadership skills and motivation to guide your friends and clients past challenges and onto conquering meaningful goals and aspirations! 











With prestigious & forward-thinking TWIST Certifications, you'll have the opportunity to stand out in the crowd, make a BIG impression to your clients and take your part time career to new heights. While the hourly fee you'll command is excellent, the ROI you gain from the friendships with clients, and feeling fulfilled helping them achieve their goals, is immeasurable!






Join our rapidly growing TWIST Family of Specialty Coaches!

TWIST's history includes a global track record leading the fitness and sport industries with innovative Training Systems. We've been fortunate to help develop the minds and bodies of 2,000 professional and Olympic athletes, and introduced Functional Training to the world, producing the industry's very first functional training certification courses educating trainers, coaches, therapists and teachers

Define your Specialist learning pathway in Functional Brain/Body Training, Sport Performance Training, or Mental Well-Being & Champion Mindset.  

Choose one or choose them all! 




join our winning team now and get the tools you need to become an elite coach

Sandy Todd Webster,  Editor in Chief, IDEA Publications, Outside Interactive, Inc.

"Coach Peter Twist has been a shining star, mentor and beacon of positive energy for many. As a sport scientist, academic researcher, a coach to professional and everyday athletes, an author and subject matter expert who has tirelessly shared his knowledge around the globe, TWIST and Peter Twist helped shape our fitness industry for the past 25 years.  He is an entrepreneur, industry disruptor and contrarian. When everyone else is zigging, Twister is almost always ZAGGING. Topping the list of his leadership traits are his boldness to blaze unique paths and his generous spirit. Once he does the heavy lifting and clears the way, he circles back to the trailhead and pulls others along with him. He is a builder of bridges and a true visionary, profoundly impacting IDEA's path and that of countless fitness professionals, clients and athletes."


Jacqueline Maria, TWIST University Alumni

"I have taken so many of your courses and lectures I cannot remember them all but TWIST UNIVERSITY courses on Sport Strength and Sport Balance teachings have stayed in my toolbox forever! I have integrated your training techniques into each program and into my everyday workouts, more than that, my life of movement! I think of you as my Fitness and Movement Guru and can't imagine what the "Training World" would be like without your teachings and philosophy. Looking forward to this new chapter of brand new courses!"

Kenneth Michael Clair, TWIST University Alumni

"Like many a personal trainer, I first encountered your techniques through doing an ACE Functional specialty in my continuing education. I have continued to seek out your courses and videos and I still constantly employ your approaches throughout my work with clients today— fascial line training, multi joint and multi planar movement, instability and Bosu balance work, the list goes on. Professionally I view you the way a rank and file Jedi would view Yoda— a Master of Masters. And the essential gentleness and decency of your personality shines through in your writings and thoughts. Can't wait to see what you do next. Cheers to the TWIST — including your Husky Bruno!"


Frank Cammalleri, TWIST University Alumni

"Peter Twist's education was invaluable. It helped me grow into the trainer and business owner I am today. Training some of the best hockey athletes, and an Olympic MVP, is the best reward possible. On the TWIST faculty, Coach Twist's and Dr. Anderson's knowledge and guidance CANNOT GO UNNOTICED. Thank you for your mentorship starting out. Your success has just started my friend. And with your certifications and mentoring, so is mine!!" 

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